A stew is a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan
To braise meat or a vegetable means fry it quickly and then cook it slowly in a covered dish with a small amount of liquid
Quick fry as a preliminary process of cooking food gives a special taste to dish. In order to make tough food softer you fry it quickly and then stew with sauces or flavorings.
Indeed stewing technique makes tough food softer and ready for eating. There is no need to add water when you stew vegetables that contain plenty of it (spinach, nettle, young carrot).
Nettles are wild plants which have leaves covered with fine hairs that sting (a sharp part of hair) you when you touch them.
Stew vegetables are tasty and preserve nutrients. Also stew vegetables assimilate of the human body well. Moreover heat destroys pathogen flora and makes food save, especially stewing and braising is necessary when you cook for children as their digestive system is sensitive to microorganisms and requires special attention to save and retain their health.
Vegetable stew – cabbage
Cabbage is a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves
Step 1. Wash the cabbage properly
—2. Chop it or cut it into pieces
—3. Immerse cabbage in cold water for 2 hours. Pour out all the water.
—4. Boil the new water in a saucepan or deep cooking pan
—5. Drop cabbage in there for 2 minutes in boiling water
—6. Warm up the frying pan, put cabbage in it and cook slowly till the dish is ready.
—7. Stew time depends on cabbage type and time you boil it.
Vegetable stew – potato
Potato is a starchy plant tuber which is one of the most important food crops, cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
Starchy is a spare carbohydrate of different plants
Tuber is a much thickened underground part of a stem (main body of the plant) or rhizome (underground stem), e.g. in the potato, serving as a food reserve and bearing buds from which new plants arise
Step 1. Wash the potato properly
—2. Peel the outer skin of potato
—3. Chop it or cut it into pieces
—4. Immerse potato in cold water for 2 hours. Pour out all the water.
—5. Warm up the frying pan
—6. Put potato in it, fry it quickly
—7. Add water and cook it slowly in a covered dish
—8. Once it is almost ready add sour cream and keep cooking it slowly in a covered dish
—9. Stew it till it is ready
Vegetable stew – beetroot
Beetroot is the edible dark-red spherical root of a kind of beet, eaten as a vegetable
Beet is a herbaceous plant widely cultivated as a source of food for humans and livestock and for processing into sugar. Some varieties are grown for their leaves and some for their swollen nutritious root
Livestock are farm animals regarded as an asset (a valuable thing owned by person or company)
Grater is a kitchen tool which has a rough surface that you use for cutting food into very small pieces
Step 1. Wash the beetroot properly
—2. Peel the outer skin of it
—3. Immerse beetroot in cold water for 2 hours. Pour out all the water
—4. Use the grater to chop it into small pieces
—5. Warm up the frying pan
—6. Put beetroot in it, fry it quickly
—7. Add water cook it slowly in a covered dish
—7. Once it is almost ready add sour cream and keep cooking it slowly in a covered dish
—8. Stew it till it is ready
Braising meat – rabbit
Rabbit is a plant-eating animal
Step 1. Immerse meat in cold water for 6 hours
—2. Pour out all the water
—3. Chop meat into pieces
—4. Preserve it with salt and flavorings
—5. Warm up the frying pan, add oil, put meat and fry meat quickly
—6. Add broth in the pan, close the lid and cook slowly
—7. Stew it till it is ready
Usually people cook food first before they eat it. While cooking the food enriches with taste and scent especially one that is pleasant. Moreover the features of food change. Food is getting less in size. If you use heat while cooking it helps your body to digest it.
In order to keep assimilability and taste on high level it is not recommended to undercook or cook food insufficiently (apart from certain food) as well as overcook or cook food too much and for too long. Determine the right time when food is ready during the heating process is an important factor.
Most of the products reduce in size during boiling, frying and stewing (meat, fish, most of vegetables). Some products put on weight (cereals, macaroni, pasta, spaghetti, vermicelli)
Cereal is a grain used for food, for example wheat, maize, or rye
Pasta is a dish originally from Italy consisting of dough made from durum wheat and water, extruded or stamped into various shapes and typically cooked in boiling water
Dough is a thick, malleable (pliable, flexible) mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread or pastry
Macaroni is pasta in the shape of narrow tubes
Spaghetti is a type of pasta made in solid strings, between macaroni and vermicelli in thickness
Vermicelli is a pasta in the form of long slender threads